Why can't car dealerships open on Sunday in Pennsylvania? Who are these Blue Laws helping/protecting?
Why can't greenhouse/nurseries open on Sunday in Pennsylvania? Wal-Mart and Kmart can sell plants and yard stuff, but the greenhouses and nurseries can't. What's up with that?
Why are the PA State Liquor Stores now open on Sunday, but the beer warehouses can't be? Is beer more dangerous to God than wine and whiskey?
Why won't my husband let me donate his bike to charity? He's old and has Parkinson's Disease (along with a BUNCH of other health problems). Has no balance. Hasn't ridden the thing in years. Why?
Why won't the very same husband allow the donation of at least a few of the more-than-fifty shirts he has hanging in his closet? How many can one man wear?
Why does this sweetie-of-a-guy keep buying shoes? Are straight men supposed to want that many shoes?
Why won't the husband give up a book? Any book? SO MANY BOOKS! Is the house in danger of falling down? How much book-weight can a house hold up to?
Why do weeds grow with or without water, nutriment, or care? Why does grass grow in the flowerbeds but not always so well on the lawn?
Why do cars get old and "die"? Houses age well. Why can't cars?
Why do they lock gas station bathrooms? Are they afraid someone will clean them?
Why do they put Braille on the drive-through bank machines? The AMT that I use, really, truly has Braille. Honest.
What if there were no hypothetical questions?

The answer, of course, is that we may find some peace...
On a side note, nothing closes in Ca., no matter which day of the week.
It's because Pennsylvania is actually Pennsyltucky!
My God, I'm channeling you. I had actually drafted a "Mounting List of Growing Irritations" to be posted tomorrow that have the absolute same tone as your post. Honest, I didn't even see yours before I worked on mine. Two Great Irritated Minds.
They lock the restrooms because they're afraid that YOU'LL clean them!!
btw, the dealer that we bought our van from leaves the vehicles UNlocked on Sundays so that you can look inside them. That's almost as good as being open.
OOooh, I've never been channeled before, mireille. I'm lovin' it.
I look forward to seeing your list. Probably different from mine.
Blue laws are stupid. People who support them are just trying to fool God, or other people, into thinking that they are some kind of saint. But God is not fooled. He knows that the blue law supporters just buy their beer on Saturday then get drunk after chruch.
The Devil might have something to say about this, if he reads this blog!
Why do stores that are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week have locks on the doors?
Places of business area actually closed on Sundays???? That's foreign to me.
Your hubby is hoarding all those things because he wants to be like the lady I linked to that had all that Ebay stuff. You better take control now!
That all just goes to show that as soon as we think we got the answer, you change the question!
Grass dont grow well on lawns because but on flower beds becasue there is more care being put into it (more fertilizer) and lawns are somewhat neglected.
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