Thursday, November 03, 2005

Throw the SOBs out

The Pennsylvania legislature's dark-of-night vote to grant itself a hefty pay raise has had taxpayers plenty steamed since it happened in July. Our legislators are now the second highest paid in the country. In fact, Pennsylvania is first in total amount of salaries paid to legislators - 22% higher than the second-place state, because there are so many of them.

Now they are weighing legislation to repeal that raise because it provoked a big backlash. I've never seen the public stay so angry or so focused. I've also never seen it work. Cross your fingers for us that this time, the taxpayers will win one.

Of course, while the lawmakers are over there in the Capitol tonight passing new laws about who will or will not get to keep this big raise, we do have to remember that a proliferation of new laws creates a proliferation of new loopholes.

When it comes to our legislature, nothing is ever done for the right reasons. If they repeal this raise, it won't be because they know that it's too much and that it's wrong. They'll repeal it because this coming Tuesday is Election Day.

They'll never admit that they were just wrong. They have to engage in a cover-up about it all. Covering up a stupid act is almost always worse that the original wrong. If you were dumb enough to commit the stupid act that you now have to cover up, why do expect the cover-up to go smoothly? Those guys.

When it comes to politicians, you can't win. You can't break even. You can't even quit the game. Even if we throw this bunch out, we'll just get a new bunch of politicians. Then they will sour on us. After things have gone from bad to worse, the cycle will repeat itself. No matter what politicians tell you, they're not telling you the whole truth. And no matter what they're talking about, they're talking about money.

I hope on Election Day that our lawmakers discover that friends come and go, but enemies accumulate.

But at least I'm not bitter.


Sar said...

You hit the nail on the head, TLP. With elections it comes down to the lesser of 2(+) evils (read candidates), and even then it's anyone's guess.

Tammy said...

Hey Lucy, I'll be in your neck of the woods on the weekend of 19-20. (in 2 weeks) I'm visiting a cousin just outside of Philly. I'll yell and wave atcha. *wink*

Jamie Dawn said...

I'm convinced that the very best people we have in this great land of ours, those that would make great politicians and do things for the right reasons, will never run for office. They don't want to go through the hell of it all.
So, we get the second, third and so on.... best.
I'm conservative and you're liberal, and sorry for both of us that many of the leaders on both sides are far from stellar.
I hope your state's situation gets better.

The Village Idiot said...

This is exactly why you want to elect me as king of the world and be done with this silly democracy business.

I mean it, I've already started the campaign, and I look forward to buying your support with a cushy government job.

Come back to my blog for occasional updates on my campaign's progress.

the idiot

Doug The Una said...

It's true that the next batch will be just like the last, but ooooo how good it feels to see politicians lose their jobs. Mmm-mm. I'd go vegetarian for that. Throw the bums out. Plus, if you can two or three batches in a row, maybe the crooks will go back to religion where they belong. And next year, you get to fire Santorum. I wish I were a Pennsylvanian. Can I come over for the primary next year?

Doug The Una said...

I'm not bitter either

Lila said...

Pretty amazing. I'm so glad that you're not bitter, though.

Saur♥Kraut said...

Ahhh yes. Nothing like political corruption. Actually, political and corruption are redundant terms. That's why I got out of it.

The truth is, if there was a massive grass roots movement, it would all change. But people are sheep, and getting enough together that care about anything is a daunting task.

The good news is, if you show the slightest interest, you can be in power, too! So, I recommend you run for office.

TLP said...

Well, if voting could change anything, I'm sure there would be law against it. But still, I live in hope.

Peter said...

It probably won't do much to cheer you up Lucy but just for the record, the problem is world-wide, it seems you may have the elected World champs there at the moment though.

Doug The Una said...

I nominate "Well, if voting could change anything, I'm sure there would be law against it" for best blogline of the year.

mireille said...

And I just like watching Doug-Our-Vegetarian salivate over Santorum finally getting the new career -- hypocritically self-righteous pastor of an upper-income congregation? -- that he so richly deserves. ♥ xoxo

OldHorsetailSnake said...

But it slows 'em down some when you "throw the rascals out."

lime said...

yeah this one pisses me off but Act 72 makes me even madder. and rendell trying to force school districts to participate. seems to me the undewhelming enthusiasm should say something to the cheese-steak sucking greaseball.......oh sorry, am i being indelicate?