Tuesday, October 02, 2007

I Heart Bumper Stickers

Seen any good bumper stickers lately? I don't put them on my car, but I like reading them on your car. That is, if they're funny. No one ever changed anyone's mind with a bumper sticker, so no point in bein' too serious.

I've never seen one that said "If At First You Don't Succeed... Blame Someone Else And Seek Counseling." Movie stars might use one like that.
Never saw "Impotence: Nature's Way Of Saying No Hard Feelings" either. Maybe Bob Dole has that one.
I did see "If You Can Read This, I've Lost My Trailer" on a car in Memphis. Saw "Eat Right, Exercise, Die Anyway" somewhere. Probably in front of Dairy Queen.
You can amuse yourself if you're stuck in traffic if there are some good ones around.

Not that many people remember to treat their ex on holidays and such.

This one above could just sum it all up for you and then you wouldn't have to use so many. In case you're tryin' to be, you know, green and stuff.

Or you
could be direct about it.

You got a favorite?


OldLady Of The Hills said...

LOL< LOL...I don't have any favorites, but I sure emjoyed these dear TLP...You always give me a laugh and a smile, and I thank you for that, my dear!
I'm going to be looking oit for some GOOD Bumper Stickers for you!

Anonymous said...

I don't stick things to my vehicles, but if I had a pick-up I might be tempted to get:

Yes, this is my truck.
No, I won't help you move.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of rabbits ... and trucks ... saw this one the other day on a one-ton pickup. I guess it's making the rounds.

Silly boys. Trucks are for chicks!

Though my favorite for this day and age remains ...

I never thought I'd miss Nixon..

lime said...

hahahaha, they were good.

i just saw one a couple dyas ago that read...draft the hummer owners. gotta say that had some merit to it.

tsduff said...

Funny post!

Save the Earth
It's the only planet with chocolate.

Anonymous said...

Those are hilarious. The only bumper sticker I've ever had (until my children peeled it off) said: VOTE NO

kenju said...

I have never had, nor will I ever have a bumper sticker. I like yours though. Funny enough, I hardly ever see them any more.

Doug The Una said...

yesterday, at a truckstop outside Stockton there was one that read "if size doesn't matter then why am I so popular?

G said...

Those were good. I can't think of a fave now. Ooh how about the one that said "TLP sure knows how to Scavenge!" or something. Congrats on the win over at Goldennib's!

Pat said...

Those are pure gold. We do have an old lady here who has a sticker on her invalid carriage saying 'recycled teenager' which made me smile

Anonymous said...

"Save an Animal. Eat a PETA Member"

Cracked me up.

Anonymous said...
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Peter said...

I like the "One bullet oughtta do it" line.

pink_talon said...

THANK YOUUU for the best laugh I've had in ages!!!!