This is daughter AP3 and *husband, Niks at Walden Pond. AP3 and I walked around the entire pond, which doesn't take all that long. (*As Doug points out in a comment, that's not AP3's husband, but her father, MY husband, Niks. If Doug were polite he would e-mail me and let me quietly correct that mistake in grammar. But noooooooo....he did exactly what he knew I would do to him if he had made that mistake: make fun of me. That Doug.)
Here's another picture taken at the pond:

We had a lot of fun together, eating at great places, walking, watching the Red Sox win, etc.
Hope you had a good week too.
it looks beautiful. it might have consoled me in the indian's loss had i been there though.
Beautiful place, good company AND Red Sox won. Amen!
I want to go somewhere (sorry for the whining.)
Great pictures!! Sounds like a wonderful trip!!
I really should make a pilgrimage there. I re-read WALDEN regularly when I need to simplify my life.
Is Walden Pond very secluded? It looks so lovely - but crowds would kill me.
gorgeous colors! Great photos.
How beautiful it is!!
(Now tell me under her strap, that shirt said Holy Hoss.....lol)
I don't like the picture of me, of course... but the pond looks great. Sure was fun!
AP3, you're prettier in person but it's a fine picture. I do find it a little strange that your father's your husband, though. Does MWWP know? When I met him he didn't say a word about it.
Oh, it's so gorgeous! Looks unreal.
Lovely people too. :-)
tlp, i can't believe that's walden pond!! it looks exactly like i imagined it...& how often does THAT happen??
Sorry about your team Lime. But somebody has to lose and I'm so bad at that.
Amen for sure Ariel!
Nessa, you just were somewhere and look what happened to your house!
It was indeed Rachel.
Go Jan. It's beautiful.
Terry it's not at all crowded. You'd be fine.
Thanks Quilly. Of course, you're in paradise yourself.
Judy, it reads Holy Cross, but it SHOULD read Holy Hoss!
You love the warmth Acton! It will end soon enough.
It was fun indeed AP3, and no, the picture doesn't flatter you. You're cuter'n that.
That Doug. More respect for yo blogmama please.
The pictures don't do it justice Bela. All day, every day, around every turn in the road up there was beautiful.
Libby it is a beautiful place. Your imagination is spot on. Cute new avatar.
Fine. YOU got to see pretty leaves. All I got was the "adventure" of getting lost in a freakin' corn maze for two hours with a couple of 8 year olds who were having the time of their lives. I finally was able to convince them that walking through the corn stalks wasn't quite cheating but only using our brains to our advantage. Almost got away with it too if it weren't for that squealer on the podium with the bullhorn yelling "HEY. YOU'RE CHEATING!" All that and not one pretty leaf to be had. Maybe you could mail us some???
But TLP, would you expect anything less from that beagle?? You were mentioning whipper snappers somewhere... I thing this applies.
wow, I love how the colors mirror and distort in the water. Walden Pond, huh? Bit jealous, but certainly gla dyou guys got to meet up and go together and enjoy what appears to be a wonderful canvas of nature!
He was right to point it out because he looks a lovely young feller.
What a lovely trip!
Niks and I got stuck in one of those corn mazes with our grandtwins a few years back. I envisioned us found as skeltons months later. We had to cheat too, by begging for help.
Terry, I get no respect. (Maybe because I don't deserve it.)
It's a beautiful world isn't it Minka?
He's only 79 PI. So he is young, huh?
Thanks, Doug and TLP. But actually, I don't like the picture mainly 'cause I resemble it so much.
I knew the difference, but I wasn't going to say anything. That Doug....
Oh these are GORGEOUS Pictures! The leaves are jusr breathtaking...I would love to see more, more, more....! (lol)
I haven't been east for many years and so haven't seen the leaves turning....One forgets how truly beautiful that experience is....!
Welcome home, my dear. Glad you had such a great time!
Nothing changes color here.
Except tourists. They change colors. From white to red.
What a beautiful spot Lucy.
That Doug! Looks like a lovely time had by all. Good for you.
so very pretty...the place and the people. GO SOX! xoxo
WOW that picture is sooo beautiful. I wish I was there to see it in person. Love the colours. It almost inspires me to start painting. ( sounds nice but I'm no painter lemme just say)
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