After days, and weeks even, of much-too-warm weather, at last it's almost perfect.
We've had record-breaking warm weather. Actually I call 90 degrees HOT weather. But today it's back to what it should be for October. In the high 60's and low 70's. It could still be cooler to suit me, but apparently some folks like it like this.
I love autumn.

Yeah, I love the fall too. Hopefully the leaves will still be pretty when you guys come up here!
I agree. The mosquitos have run riot on our legs with this crazy climate. I do love the Fall.
Me too
Fabulous photo! Still no autum for me. It has been over 10 years since I have seen Fall leaves, but at least here there are leaves!
Oh. So that's why it's turned cool out there.
We haven't had any summer at all and now it's warmish. Not pleasant. There are leaves on the ground here in London, but they're all soggy, not like in the country. :-(
That's a pretty picture!! It feels great here too. Last night was in the 40's and today was in the 60's!!
We had 93* one day and 70* the next. I like a more gradual downward progression of the temperatures.
Your pic is gorgeous!
AH - I am feasting my eyes on that beauty. WOW, it really is gorgeous.
Lovely lovely
Leaves of Fall
Off the trees
Which stand so tall
Beautiful post. LOVE IT.
Looks good to me. Trouble is we have a ginormous tree which overlooks our garden and I know all those wretched leaves are going to fall on the lawn and guess who'll be sweeping them up. Some folks go to the gym I believe
I love the fall too and miss it. Taking the kid up next weekend to NY to collect leaves for her class. Many of her friends have never seen a changing leaf or a snow flake.
That's my hope too, AP3.
We didn't have mosquitos this year G. Dunno why.
Right on Boo!
Hard to feel sorry for you Quilly. I mean, you're in paradise!
You catch on fast Icy.
Just slap'em Bela.
It's wonderful isn't it Rachel?
The only down side Acton, is that it's dark when we get up. Bummer. I love the cool, but not the dark.
Judy it was a fast turn around wasn't it?
Fall is every bit as pretty as spring Terry.
PI, I hire all the yard work done. And then I walk for exercise. I should just rake the leaves!
Well, at least you are taking her to see the changing season Chris. And living in Florida you don't need to cope with snow delays at school. So there's that. (I love a good snow delay myself, and so did my kids, so maybe that's not a plus for you.)
I have heard of this- how you say? Autumn. I think we should try it here.
I love the autumn weather.
I don't like when it gets any cooler though, because cold weather and me don't get along well.
I like low 80's with a bit of humidity and a slight breeze. Ahhhhh... perfect.
Our leaves are just barely beginning to turn.
The AR hills around here look AMAZING during the fall.
A few years ago, we drove through TN, The Smoky Mtns when the leaves were at their peak of vibrant colors.
Those were the prettiest leaves I've ever seen.
Keep on enjoying the fall!!
tlp-i love that picture!! it went from 90 here to 50 the next day, mon/tues! and now it's ummmm chilly out!
It seems like all bloggers are celebrating Autumn. Well done!
CONGRATULATIONS LUCY! Results of 'Who Quoth What?'
First: Sam
Second: Dr Maroon
Third Tan Lucy Pez
Fall is my most favoritest time of the year. These extra summer days made me pouty.
Another excellent Scavenger Hunt entry. I really liked the Haunted Head. And even though you waited, you are still zippier than the zebra.
I like the fall and winter. Spring is depressing.
In the fall, it gets cooler. It it a welcome change. And the winter is just great. Really nice. Everglades season.
Spring is depressing because you know summer is on the way. It is sooooo hot. And the hurricanes. Ugh.
i agree! there's NOTHIN' like a fabulously crisp fall day... nothin'! nice to finally turn off the air conditioning and open up a window or two. (saving on those high electric bills is kind of nice, too!)
great post and gorgeous picture! ; ) neva xox
oh, and d'oh! when did you change your comment section? did you start getting crappy spam?? do i need to go pound a few toes for you? say the word, girlfriend, and i'm ON it! ; )
Me too. We got tons of yellow and red trees here in beautiful downtown Wilsonville.
Beautiful scenery TLP! I never get to see those gorgeous fall leaves, except in pictures....back in the day, when I lived in the east I would see them every year....But here, well...the Palm Trees and Cactus just don't turn color that way...! (lol)
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