Have a safe and responsible Halloween. Don't eat all your chocolate at once. Send it to me for safekeeping.
I have this BLOG so that I can comment on other BLOGS. It's a very boring BLOG. You are welcome here. Come on in. But don't say I didn't tell ya. It's B-o-r-i-n-g.
NO, no, no!! I want it all except the milk chocolate - you can have that.
You can just drive through that town with the chocolate factory. You could live off the fumes for the rest of the year.
don't worry, i'll pace myself.
The vomitting vegetable, was it?
Why does this photo remind me so much of Calvin and Hobbes?
I can't find a pumpkin anywhere on this vegetable-fprsaken island :)!
happy halloween!
Today is the pre-K Halloween party. My hope is that none of our little pumpkins spill their guts. We are actually going for healthy snacks -- fruit smoothies and pop corn.
Pizza... that sounds good, actually. Hmmmm....
I got all kinds of candy, lit the Jack o' Lantern on the porch, and I don't know if we'll get a single trick or treater. Oh well. More candy for me!
Would our candy be really safe with you?? :) What a picture. Poor sick pumpkin!
Gosh, it's almost time to say those magic words again. Where does the time go?
Would our candy be really safe with you?? :) What a picture. Poor sick pumpkin!
Gosh, it's almost time to say those magic words again. Where does the time go?
Agh! Damn! (or: Darn!). All I got here is vodka. I don't think I'll be sending it. Even though you are a really good sister, with terrible pictures.
LOVE your barfing pumpkin... so does my grandson (5). He assured me yesterday when we were carving one of those tiny little desk-sized pumpkins, that they don't have any seeds because it was so small. When we proceeded to carve out his mouth and all of the seeds poured out, he squealed with horror and delight, and promptly dubbed it "the barfing pumpkin".
Here is my chocolate... I trust you.
LOL, LOL, LOL...That picture is hilarious!....I had a very quiet Halloween, like as if Halloween never happebed! No kids come to my neighborhood anymore! Boo Hoo.
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