It can't be November! Where did October go? Where did the YEAR go?
You know the drill: Rabbit Rabbit.
Speaking of October, and we were, weren't we? I heard on the news that we just had the warmest October on record. Warmest EVER. No surprise there. It's been a very, very warm autumn here.
Good luck in November y'all.
Rabbit, rabbit! Lucy. Hope you have a good, warm November.
Rabbit, rabbit, TLP! happy halloween! and, nov first is called 'the day of the dead'...didja know that??
Hasenpfeffer.! Hasenpfeffer! All though that bunny looks a little too cuddly for dinner.
rabbit rabbit! you shoulda found a bunny suntanning it's been so warm!
Rabbit Rabbit. I love the lionheaded bunny.
White Rabbit! We are having an Indian summer. Bit b----y late!
Rabbit, rabbit!
Rabbit rabbit! You turn 40 this month, don't you?
Rabbit rabbit! That bunny didn't need all that fur in October round here either.
Rabbit Rabbit. I also heard it is supposed to be a warm winter. Santa will need wheels on his sleigh.
Rabbit Rabbit and I'm on time this month!! Whoo-hooo!!
I wonder about the winter but they seem to be milder and milder for us. Of course who knows??
Rabbit Rabbit
What a cute one!!! I've never set a foot in Pennsylvania but I'd love to see it someday. It was quite warm here this year too -okay, it was HOT HOT HOT. But everybody knows it never rains in California.
Pssst. That Doug is absolutely precious, trying to guess your age... LOL
Things are normal here in the Northwest, except for lack of rain. You suppose Atlanta is getting all of our rain?
Rabbit, Rabbit...I so have forgotten why we do this again??? LOL...But I'm happy to be a part of it anyway...
Lapin lapin!
I've been saying, 'Where did the year go?' since I saw the first Xmas stuff in Tesco last month. No, I'm serious: where did the year go?
Warm? You gotta be joking *wipes icicle from nose* it's bloody freezing here in the mothercountry.
I wish I had spent my holidays in the colonies now!
from Keith's daughter (he told me to say that!).
Rabbit, rabbit (late late, but still...)!
yeah, what's up with the "warmest October on record" thing? kind of screwed up our shot at a pretty fall, didn't it? damn that global warming -- or whatever it is those kids are calling the cause for unusual weather these days!
on a personal note, thank you SO MUCH, my friend, for all your loving words of encouragement over the past few weeks. October wasn't my favorite month on a number of levels, but with dear friends like you, i know Life will soon "feel" better. needless to say, i'm grateful beyond words. : ) xox neva
That is the cutest rabbit rabbit!
Rabbit, rabbit!
that is a sweet bunny picture, a belated rabbity start into your November.
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