Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Happy Birthday Baby Girl

My baby is 39 today. That's so young. If you don't know that, you're wasting your life.

That's AP3 and me in another time and place.


Doug The Una said...

You did good after stealing her from my crib.

Tammy said...

I love the dress. Can I borrow it sometime? ;-)

Happy B-day AP3

lime said...

happy birthday AP3 and thank you TLP for making me feel young!

Lila said...

Thanks, TLP! Boy, I was a Butterball. Oh wait, I still am!

kenju said...

Aw, she was born on my birthday! YAY! Happy birthday to TLP's baby.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

LOL, LOL..Oh My Dear, you are so right. But, we also know, that WHEN you were 39--Or I should say Wnem I was 39...I thought that was old! It's all perspective, isn;t it?

You were a Beautiful Mother, my dear...And I'm sure you still are!

Bela said...

Thirty-nine? I wish!

Happy birthday, TLP's baby! :-)

Charlene Amsden said...

Happy Birthday Aral! And many, many happy more!

Tom & Icy said...

They grow up too fast.

Minka said...

Smashing outfits. You are so in style again, today :)

puppytoes said...

wowie! and hubba-hubba -- Aral was one adorable baby, and you were (and are) One Hot Mama!

Happy belated Birthday, both to daughter and the one responsible for bringing her into the world, in the first place! : ) xox

Cie Cheesemeister said...

Happy belated birthday!