Sunday, May 01, 2005

Time to clean my own house

The Church yard sale is over! Yea!
Now I need to clean my own house. I've been at the church all day, every day for a week, taking in stuff, cleaning it, sorting it, arranging it, pricing it, etc. I'm tired!
We made $4,500, which is very good. We didn't have any "big-ticket" items. Most things were priced at a dollar or less. I'm amazed that we were able to make so much. Happy about it. Hope I never help that much again.
I'm skipping church today. We're going to a birthday dinner tonight, and then it's rush off to church for our "COUCH" group. (we're devided into small groups of 8 or 10 to meet twice a month.) Posted by Hello


Lila said...

Congrats on the yard sale! Pretty impressive. Ours is coming up. I'm sure it won't do as well.

dddragon said...