I should have opened it right then and there and shared it with everyone. But I was excited with the company, etc., and I didn't do that. That's what Hoss would call too bad.
So here ya go. Help yourself. It's goooood candy!

It's got one of those thingies inside that tells you what candy is filled with what. But it's written in Icelandic and I can't read it. So when I get one that has liquor in it, it's not my fault.
On Sunday Minka, Doug, Actonbell, 3D and I went to Hershey and did the Chocolate World tour. I bought more chocolate of course. One thing I got was Hershey's Sticks. They have only 60 calories per stick! So I went ahead and ate the entire contents of the box. I mean, they're so low in calories and all, might as well eat plenty of them. That's why I can't share those with ya.
Minka brought me a book on Iceland too. It's really nice, but you can't eat it or anything, so I've shared it with a few people. You know how sweet I am.
Now Libby, who bounces so much you hafta call her LiBbY has decided to interview me. That’s ‘cause she’s just about as sweet as me. But not quite of course.
Here I’m gonna share my interview with you, like Mama always said.
It was supposed to be five questions:
1.Who was your favorite cartoon character when you were a kid? has it changed?
This is two questions, but out of the pure-dee goodness of my heart, I’m going to answer both of them.
The Roadrunner and poor ol’ Wile E. Coyote were my first favs. Now I favor Calvin and Hobbs. I guess you notice I never liked my cartoon characters to be all nice and stuff.
2. What was your favorite book that you would read over and over as a kid?
I read things like the Black Beauty series and lots of mysteries. I didn’t read the same book over and over. I was lucky to be a kid in a time when children didn’t wait for an adult to take them to the library or a book store. We walked. No adults needed. My sisters and I walked to the library and took out the maximum number of books allowed, which was four. We went home, read them in a day, and walked back and got four new books. It was wonderful. One summer I spent with my aunts out the the hills of Tennessee. No library and no books. I did read their Romance Magazines over and over. Hoo boy! That was a long hot summer!
3. I know 'mama' was the biggest influence in your life...who was the next biggest? (i LOVE your stories about her!)
Mama was a wonderful piece of work. A true hoot! My sister Doris was the second biggest influence in my life. She was six years older than I, but took me everywhere. She and her friends were wonderful to me. She was in love with Mario Lanza and took me to see all his movies. Now, those, we saw over and over and over! Because of her I love opera. That Doris.
I took care of her when she was dying of cancer. She was in terrible pain, but let me take her everywhere in a wheelchair anyway. I was holding her hand when she died. She said, “Well, no one can say I took to my bed.” And I learned that from her too.
4. Did you ever wonder before you married 'papa pez' lol..niks, that is..."is this the right thing to do?", especially because you were so young?
Actually no, I didn’t wonder. ‘Bout the smartest thing I ever did. I mean that. I got lucky. Can't even make a joke out of that. I married up.
5. How do you think the world will end, and when? (had to throw a depressing one in there, didnt I?)
Well, I think it will end with a bang. I think the earth will collide with an object that is whizzing along towards us right now. I don’t think it will happen soon, though. I think humankind will be ended long before the collision happens. And here’s how I think humans will end: