Friday, October 20, 2006

Kites and stuff

Radio Question of the Day:

According to a study, male compulsive shoppers are more likely to become addicted to this than female compulsive shoppers. What is it?


After our trip to Ocean City, MD I was going to post a picture or two, but blogger wouldn’t cooperate. So I thought that I would try again.

There was a kite festival going on while we were there. The Kite Loft always has great kites flying, but I never before saw so many at the same time. Some of these kites were huge. HUGE. If you look closely you can see people on the beach, which will give you an idea of the size of the kites. (If you click on the Kite Loft link you can watch a web cam of OC.)

I’ve never successfully flown a kite in my life. I have one in the trunk of my car that my walking buddy Irene gave me. Every once in a while we try to see if I can get it to fly. Never happens.


Answer to the Radio Question of the Day:


A female friend of my friend Patti once bought a chicken farm at an auction. I am not joking. Jane did not have her husband’s approval to do that, and she said that she never had any intention of buying a farm. She was driving along, saw the auction, and stopped to watch. She just got carried away in the moment.

I think she almost bought the farm when she told her husband. They had to hire a lawyer to get out of that mess, and it cost them a bundle.


Lila said...

Nice picture! I remember the Kite Loft. That was fun.

Funny story about your friend. Yikes!

Rachel said...

Wow, that is a bunch of kites!! Looks like fun!!

Logophile said...

Why the *** would anyone get caught up in the moment over a CHICKEN farm??
Interesting though, must keep Mr. Logo away from the auctions.

Kites! I love kites!

Anonymous said...

that Patty. i got completely addicted to e-bay a couple of years ago... think Patty would be interested in a few dozen primo cookie jars? (just sayin'...)

LOVE these kites/pictures! oh, and you are not alone, i have NEVER been able to fly a kite more than a couple of feet off the ground (it counts if you're running fast and it's flinging behind you, right?) xox

gordaboo said...

I luv the pic with the kites! That is so freakin' cool. WE never have anything like that around here.
As far as the chicken farm goes...OMG...a chicken farm...nuff said

Doug The Una said...

Haha, Logo. I second the question. I have to guess she'd never before cleaned a coop in the summertime.

TLP said...

Jane is the one who bought the farm. Our mutual friend is Patti. I do know Jane, but I got the details through Patti. I have NO IDEA how a person could want a chicken farm. You can smell them from afar. But she bid on the darn thing and won the bid. In was in Lancaster County, and this was at least 16 years ago. If they had kept that property, they'd probably be millionares right now since it's most likely been subdivided.

The Lazy Iguana said...

Oh yea! I once bought a chicken farm by mistake too.

findu is nifty. I had it installed in my truck, but then I decided that I did not want to be tracked. So I took the APRS out of the truck. Sometimes I put it in the boat.

kenju said...

Everytime we go to the beach and see kites, I say to myself that I HAVE to get one for our next trip to the beach. Know when I remember it? At the beach, without one.

Peter said...

Hi Lucy, just love the story about some one "accidentally" buying a chicken farm!!!!

Margaret said...

Hello Lucy, those kites are amazing, my boys all flew kites when they were young, nothing like the scale of these.
Hugs Margaret

Anonymous said...

Wow - those are big kites. They best be careful the goverment might think we are under attack! GW he has problems with reality you know.

lime said...

LOL< might have been cheaper to buy the famr and just resell it than hire a lwyer. hahaha.

those kites are VERY amazing.

Kyahgirl said...

I can see how the auction thing happens (although the chicken farm is a bit of stretch). Like Neva, I have a couple of things purchased from ebay that were definitely bought in the heat of the moment! :-)

Kristie said...

flying kites can be so much fun. sorry to hear you dont have good luck with it. I am looking forward to when my son is old enough to go kite flying with. right now he doesnt get into it. ;)

Miz BoheMia said...

Yep... eBay freak here and addicted to winning is more my thing! Loverboy sets a limit and stops... so I am not allowed to bid on too many things unless it is something he REALLY wants at which point I am unleashed...

I think I flew a kite as a kid but not at any point where I have a clear memory of it...

Libby said...

the kites DO look great!...but...what the hell happens if they get tangled up in each other??

Anonymous said...

I've always tried to talk my kids out of getting a kite when they wanted one because I knew I'd be the one running my fool head off.

I've never even been to an auction and I'm as impulsive as you can get.

Sar said...

Great picture, TLP. I'll never think of kites the same way again after reading the Kite Runner.

And I'm sorry, did you say a chicken farm?!

Lila said...

You've got some nerve, complaining about the lateness of BASIP when you've got this ancient post up still! ;-P