Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Can it be December??? So soon?

Well, heck, it's time to say Rabbit Rabbit for good luck in December. This time last year I was on a cruise on the Queen Mary 2. I've said Rabbit Rabbit each and every first of the month, but still I'm on dry land this December first. Heck.

That's me up there on our balcony, leaving New York on November 30, 2009. I'm writing this on my birthday, November 30, 2010.

One of the things I like about Christmas is watching the movie A Christmas Story. I don't seem to get tired of it. Of course, I can drop in and out of it and not pay complete attention to it. That Ralphie. Poor little guy in his pink rabbit pj's. Sad.

I may be land locked today, but I'm thinkin' about last year.

I'm gonna be honest and admit that I have absolutely no idea which island this is. We got off the boat and visited five islands, took tours, etc. Had a great time. But --- if you've seen one of these islands, you've pretty much seen them all. Beautiful, and I'd do it again. Sigh. But it really does all run together as far as the islands go.

Well, I don't know about you, but I'm sayin' Rabbit Rabbit for luck anyway. Even if I don't get a cruise this year.

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Poe Evermore

Once again the family made the trip to Mt. Hope Estate and Winery to see and hear the Poe Festival. That's Actonbell on the left, me standing up in my used-once-a-year Poe shirt, husband Niks, and 3D in the green sweater. Acton's husband Ekim is behind the camera. Can't see him. Can you?

Poe Evermore is a great treat. We generally also enjoy a meal in the tavern on the estate grounds.

A good time was had by all. Well. Maybe not by the prisoner of The Pit and the Pendulum. Hrmpf. That whiner.

The creepy writer himself always appears and has a good time, by a deeply depressed man's standards anyway. He's been dead about 140 years or so. Doesn't look that bad really.

They decorate the grounds for this occasion.

Tryin' to look all scary and stuff.

The old mansion is scary enough in itself.

Was once a beautiful place, and still is a little bit.

We usually go for a dinner with Poe, and for the performance at midnight which is super creepy and fun. This time we went for lunch and an early show, and thereby saw stuff I had never noticed before like this pretty bench.

On balance, I think we'll probably stick to daylight after this. Once you're inside the mansion for the different literary sketches, you can't tell if it's day or night. And the drive to and from the estate is easier and safer.

This time different actors performed The Pit and the Pendulum, The Mask of the Red Death, Hop-Frog, which I had never even heard of, and of course, The Raven. They do different poems and short stories every year.

So. What did YOU do this weekend?

(Granddaughter K. has my best camera, so I stole these pix from the ones 3D and Actonbell took. Well, SIL Ekim took some too.)

Monday, November 01, 2010


It's November. Yawn. What a swell month.

You know the drill: you have to say rabbit rabbit! first thing or you'll have bad luck all month. Like you'll have to eat too much turkey and pumpkin pie and junk. I sure wouldn't want that to happen to you.

So, get with it!

Rabbit rabbit y'all.

Friday, October 01, 2010

October rain

Well, I dunno where September went, but it's time to say Rabbit Rabbit again, 'cause it's OCTOBER!

I like October. Nice month.

It's been raining so hard here today that I don't know how the little animals are staying dry. Probably they're not.
You. Will. Pay.
see more Acting Like Animals

Here's to a great month for us all!

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Almost fall

This is my bunny for September. Well, okay, I stole it from LOLcats of course. But still. Get your own Rabbit Rabbit for September or you won't have any good luck at all.

I had quite a busy and mostly wonderful August. Had good times with my three daughters, and two granddaughters. I hope that September is as much fun as August was.

Remember to say Rabbit Rabbit on September first for good luck for the month.

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Happy Birthday to Actonbell Pez

Our daughter Actonbell has circled the sun once again. That Acton. Very precocious. Very sweet. Very pretty. Very smart.

Happy Birthday Actonbell!

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Can't believe it's this late in the year

This here is an august rabbit. It's also my August Rabbit Rabbit post. I'm busy. SO don't be expectin' more.

Friday, July 02, 2010

Stand up comedy

One of my daughters complained that there's not much on television these days. True. But I've been watching the comedy channel and have discovered that I love stand-up comedy.

Or is that gymnastics? They talk about sticking it in gymnastics.

This I know for sure is yoga:

This is too:

Any fool can see that's an upward facing dog. I sees.

Have a silly, happy, Fourth of July!

Thursday, July 01, 2010

July again

Okay, you know the drill. Gotta say Rabbit Rabbit for good luck in July. Otherwise all the other kiddies will make fun of you and stick their tongues out and laugh at you.

Hope you all have a joyous July.

Rabbit Rabbit!!

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Of butt-crack and other things

Actonbell Someone says that I am not posting often enough. That Acton someone. I mean, really, as if I have anything to say.

So I grabbed this meme from Thom's Monday Mayhem.

1. What animal in your opinion is the stupidest animal alive?

Humans. Next would be jelly fish ‘cause they don’t have a brain. But really, I’ll go with the Dodo. They sound really dumb.

2. What person in the news or spotlight makes you wonder how they got so far?

So many dumb bunnies out there, so little space. Paris Hilton comes to mind, since she seems to be missing hers.

3. If you could make up a new law and be in charge of arresting law breakers, what would that law be?

It would be illegal to show butt-crack. The law would require that anyone showing butt-crack would have to wear high-waisted jeans while picking up trash by the side of the road. It would be embarrassing for them to hide their butts in public that way.

4. Name something of the color blue that you despise.

A blue mood. Next on the list is blue jeans with butt-crack showing.

5. If you were on your way somewhere and were running late and witnessed an accident, what would you do?

Dial 911. Unless I really didn’t want to go where I was going –like the dentist or whatever. Then I would stop to help, and grab the excuse to miss the appointment. Like I could help anyway.

6. How tall is too tall and how short is too short in your opinion?

Jones is too tall, and all jockeys are too short. (I imagine some are too tight as well.)

7. What hair color and/eye color would you not want in someone you were planning on having children with?

Green hair and/or orange eyes. You just know those would be dominant traits.

8. What hour of the day has the worst drivers?

Happy hour. It also has the happiest drivers. It's a trade off.

9. Are you following the Stanley Cup Finals?

Stanley found his cup finally? I had not been informed that he lost it. I gather he plays a sport.

10. If you wanted to eat lunch at the zoo and all they served were animal parts, would you eat them?

You mean like leg of lamb? You betcha. Frog legs? Yum. I like the hippos too. I just can't eat a whole one by myself.

11. Would you give, and if so how much, money to a 25 year old man holding a sign at an intersection that asks for money?

The intersection asks for money? I would never give money to an intersection. I might give a buck or two to a good-looking 25 year-old man. What's he look like? No green hair or orange eyes I hope.

12. What do you do with emails that tell you to forward them on to 10 other people or something will happen to you?

Send them back to the person who sent them to me. Ten times. So far, so good. Of course there was that one time when a pelican sh*t on my head. But I figure that was just a coincidence. Then there was that snapping turtle that bit my big toe...I'm wondering about that one. I mean, how did that turtle get in my shoe? In the house? In the closet? Upstairs??? Maybe I should forward those messages. Any volunteers to receive those messages? You guys. I didn't think so.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

May Day Rabbit

A man boarded a plane with 8 kids.

After they got settled in their seats a woman sitting across the aisle from him leaned over to him and asked, "Are all of those kids yours?"

He replied, "No. I work for a condom company. These are customer complaints."

Better say Rabbit Rabbit fast, or no tellin' what'll happen!

Thursday, April 01, 2010

April fool rabbit

Rabbit rabbit folks! Ya gotta say it, so you'll have good luck in April. No foolin'.

A precious little girl walks into a petsmart shop and asks,
in the sweetest little lisp, between two missing teeth, "Excuthe me,mithter, do you keep widdle wabbits?"

As the shopkeeper's heart melts, he gets down on his knees so that he's on her level and asks, "Do you want a widdle white wabbit, or a thoft and fuwwy, bwack wabbit, or maybe one like that cute widdle bwown wabbit over there?"

She, in turn, blushes, rocks on her heels, puts her hands on her knees, leans forward and says, in a tiny quiet voice,
"I don't think my python weally gives a thit."

Monday, March 01, 2010

If winter comes....

Can spring be far behind? I think we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Just don't let the train blow you off the track.

Time to say Rabbit Rabbit for good luck in March. Next we'll be complaining about the rain and mud.

In fact, in Pennsylvania we have Mud Sales!

I betcha you're wondering who the heck would want to buy mud, huh? Those Amish. Quite the entrepreneurs.

Monday, February 01, 2010

February. It's about time.

I am so over January. Happy February everyone.

Don't forget to say Rabbit Rabbit. It didn't do me one bit of good last month, but you can't be too careful.

Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy 2010!

Rabbit rabbit y'all! I'm spending New Year's eve with my hunny bunny who is in the hospital.

We're a coupla lucky kids, we are.

Happy New Year to you guys! I hope it's a wonderful time for all.