Tuesday, November 06, 2007

One Vote

It's election day here. My town's population is estimated to be 7,414. We're very much like one another. 95.4% of our population is White-Non-Hispanic. We have fewer than one thousand children in grades K-12. What would we fight about in a school board election?


One of our residents has donated 15 million dollars for an "arts center." There are strings attached. The center has to be located at a particular site, for one. According to the paper, our town is 2 miles square. You'd think we could agree on a place.

Fat chance.

I for one don't even want her money. I'm sick of the whole mess.

I hope my one vote counts in this election, as much as her 15 million dollars does.


kenju said...

Unfortunately, it probably won't. It is just too bad that money speaks in situations like that, but it usually does.

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Gee, Sis. Any way to get your hands on some of that gelt? Might ease the pain?

Ah, hell. I'm with you. And other rational people.

Unknown said...

Hmmm--one vote or $15 million. I suppose money can't buy love but it can buy lots of other things. Like elections.
Couldn't she support the arts by donating, oh, say, 10 percent of that $15 million to me??

Doug The Una said...

In an election like this one with no federal anything, one vote really matters. Yesterday we had 112 people vote in my precinct.

lime said...

good luck with that.

Pat said...

You have to vote - you just have to.

Charlene Amsden said...

I am glad you said "hope" and not "believe", but I am still glad you voted. MAybe there are enough people who feel your way to make a difference (that's the hope).

TLP said...

Thanks all for the good wishes. We elected one person who will fight against what I consider to be the worst possible place to put the "arts center," and four who just seem to want to get that 15 million no matter what.

Things will be tense and there will be hard feelings for years to come.

Kelly said...

My husband and I voted last night. The voting people were so happy to see us, because turn out was so bad.

Tom & Icy said...

It seems like the real issue should be who has the control to determine what kind of 'art' goes in there.

tsduff said...

Politics are not my favorite thing because I feel somewhat powerless when it comes to my own single vote. I hope your heartfelt vote will continue to hold sway as this battle heats up.

Lila said...

Sometimes a lack of money creates a mess, and sometimes wealth creates a mess. Ah, money.

Libby said...

...and who exactly thinks money solves problems?

The Lazy Iguana said...

Ill take her money. Please tell her to send me the $15 million. I will buy a brand new Glacier Bay walk around boat, and name it "arts center". It will go in Biscayne Bay.

Then I will join the Miami Yacht Club and/or Miami Outboard Club, where the "Arts Center" will hang out when I am not using it.

Bela said...

Libby, money doesn't always solve problems, but lack of it sure creates some.

TLP, I hope you get what you want. Good luck!

Libby said...

...bela...you hit the nail on the head!it doesnt solve problems, but it sure makes you happier when you have to deal with them!!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Your town is a perfect example of it being exactly like any election anywhere--Even here in Los Angeles. The Microcosm....
I pray that your ONE VOTE Does count, TLP.....I suppose when someone gives such a huge amount of money, they have a right to some stipulations...I'm not sure what, but I can see it from that woman's side--Well, not knowing the whole story, I shouldn't even say that...86 that last statement..lol!

Paul Nichols said...

So who won?

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Yeah, what was the vote about? Who won? Who lost (besides maybe you).

Personally I think you should ignore the whole thing, Sis. Tell yourself "So it goes." Smile and be happy.