We're having a rainy day here. We need it.
I didn't take this picture of a cardinal, but we do have cardinals in the evergreens that line our back yard. They nest there every year, and they stay all winter too.
Hope the weather is just the way you like it where you are.
Since that homeless noname cat came to live with us, I don't see any birds around. I toss old bread onto the roof of the garage.
That is a beautiful photo. The weather is as I like it where you are, actually.
We're having a 2 day heat wave. It was 74* today and may get warmer tomorrow, but we need your rain in the worst ay!
tlp-great picture! i thought it was one you took, you'dve gotten away with it if you said that! lol!
Despite the rain that bird looks quite content.
Gorgeous bird -- picture reminds me of my midwest fall and winter days.
Wish we had some rain, too, here in So. Cal. Temp in the 70's today, but down to 60's tomorrow. I think I can handle that.
Beautiful cardinal. They make me think of Christmas. Very froggy today.
I saw my first cardinal once while visiting my sister in Little Rock. Then I saw another one in Florida when visiting my Sweetie's Mom in Florida. They are such bright chips of color and have a sweet song. May your weather be as you need it. :)
few sights more welcome during the winter than those of cardinals flying across the snowy vista.
that said, i am NOT enjoying this "rainy" weather at the moment, but only because i failed to dress for all this cold water. d'oh!
by the way, after 2 (or was it 3?) months, i finally got around to responding to your burning question about those "cute" UPS dudes. (in case you wondered) ; )
I had a bird outside my bedroom window in a bush. I was trying to describe it on the phone to a friend.
Pretty shade of red, black beak..etc.
"Umm, Chris, you can't possibly mean a cardinal?"
Yeah. I felt like a jerk for not knowing what a cardinal looked like. Where were you three weeks ago when I needed you? hmmmmm?
Awww, look at him! Unbelievably gorgeous! Red is my favourite colour. I've never seen a cardinal in the flesh.
We have robins here sometimes. I remember one that used to sing its little heart out in the middle of the night. The first time I heard it I thought it was someone taking the mickey so I stuck my head out and tried to imitate it. A few days later, I saw it on a branch. He was so cute.
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