We'll stop at Luray Caverns on the way down. We've been there before. I think it's the prettiest of all the caverns I've seen. It has the best colors, and lots of them. It also has The Great Stalacpipe Organ, supposedly the world's largest musical instrument. It's a keyboard instrument that works by tapping stalactites of varying sizes with rubber-tipped mallets attached to solenoids in order to produce tones. It really works just fine, but the humidity is a big problem for it.

We've been to Carlsbad Caverns, and it's the largest I've seen, and really the most interesting. The Big Room in the cavern is 8.2-acres.

We've done Mammoth Caves as well, which has the world's largest network of natural caves and underground passageways, but I didn't find it as interesting as Luray or Carlsbad. Maybe because it was at the end of a three month trip that started with seeing Luray.

Our main objective is the library at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Husband Niks' father was a college president and the FIL's "papers" are on file in this library. I don't know why. The FIL was president of another college in N.C. and he got his Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins U., so why are his papers in Charlotte? It's a mystery to me.
Seems to be because Niks' uncle Roy, who got his Ph.D. in psychology from Johns Hopkins University, donated his own papers to this school, and just threw in his brother's stuff as well. That Roy. Again, why???? I think he taught at this school. If I could drum up a little interest in this subject, I'd ask. But I don't have an hour or so for the complete answer, and I'd get that. At a minimum. (3D would know of course.)
So off we go. Excitement to the max, huh?
We'll be back on or around May 21. Something between here and there and back again could catch my eye, and I'm the one who's driving.
have a great trip lucy. we certainly enjoyed luray caverns when we stopped there.
Stopping by to say Happy Mother's Day. Have a terrific time and take pictures.
The only caverns I've been in were on Barbados. I'd relly like to see Luray! Have a good trip and wave hello when you pass thru my area!
I have only gone to two caves. Grand Canyon Caverns in Arizona and Ruby Falls in Tennessee. Ruby Falls is the worlds largest underground waterfall and is located inside Lookout Mountain.
Have a great trip!
The trip sounds nice and the cave exploring will be fun too! Enjoy and have a wonderful trip!!
So, you won't be posting until May 21, 22, or thereabouts? Boy I wish I had your dough....
Have a lovely trip, TLP! Bring back lots of fun stories. :-)
Be careful and don't get lost down there!
phooey on me for missing this post -- or at least not getting here in time to wish you safe travels (for clearly, i haven't "missed" this post, so much as arrived "late")
hope you have a fantastic trip, my friend. i also hope you'll see fit to fill us in on the details of those papers being stuck in the wrong library when you get back! nothin' i love more than a good mystery -- or, at the very least, a moderatly interesting one! ; ) xox
tlp; happy mother's day! i hope you have fun at luray caverns! i remember going there with my mom & dad when i was, like, 6..it must say something if i still remember it!
have a good trip! I have only ever been to Carlsbad caverns and they were pretty darn cool! Be safe
Hi TLP! How was the trip? Can you believe I've never been in a cave? How sheltered an upbringing is that?
Hey, I go to caves when I research my ancestors, too!
Have you ever been to Crystal Caves in PA? We went there ages ago when I was about 12.
What a cool looking place. Hope you are having a GREAT time! ~ jb///
I hope you bring back some cool photos for us to see.
don't look now, but isn't today the 21st?? why yes, i believe it is.
just sayin'... ; ) xox
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