This is the two of us in 1969. I don't recognize either of us.
That hair do was in style then. Honest. Believe it or not.
I have this BLOG so that I can comment on other BLOGS. It's a very boring BLOG. You are welcome here. Come on in. But don't say I didn't tell ya. It's B-o-r-i-n-g.
Woo hooo
Look at you all hot and sexy, even WITH that, um, interesting hair style
Actonbell looks a bit like you (to me) in this photo
Lovely and sweet,
have a great visit!
Neither of you has changed a bit.
Hi, Sis!
Shhhh.....Logo, don't scare Acton! Yes, it's true, there is a some similarity there.
Ap3 sez hi right backatcha Dog!
You look so pretty and trendy! And she's such a cute baby!
I was 21 in '69. I remember it well - the hair, the fashion, etc...
Only 21, Bela! So young. And there I am holding my fourth child. *sigh*
I was a BIG FAT BABY. Making myself fat cells that I'd have to deal with for the rest of my life. Oh well! It's good to see TLP and the rest of the Pez family.
You have a great life and great family
oh, tlp, this is such a 'happy picture'! you just look happy, & supremely confident of everything you're doing! ...and...at least you're not wearing the 'cat's eye glasses', or anything!!
Hi Lucy, yeah I know that's not your name but I've got into the habit, so sue me, great shot of you and a young AP3, not that she is old now!!!
Tom, Libby,Peter, I was happy then and I'm happy now. I've had my share of troubles, but on balance, life's been good to me.
Didn't we all have big hair back then? You both look adorable.
It's sad when one's boys (in my case) become uncuddlesome men. Thank goodness for grandchildren!
The hair is great and that dress is soooo now!
Kenju: It was like a helmet, no?
Pi: Yeah, the dress says it all.
I LOVE that dress. *hi, AP3!* Also, remember what we had to do to get hair that high? Sleeping on orange juice cans, torturing hair with a rat tail comb, shellac. Lots and lots of shellac. xoxo
oh i love the pic. the hair and the dress are so fab! thanks for sharing and hope you have a fun visit.
Mireille: I never had to sleep on juice cans, but I ratted the hell out of my hair! Yeah, the dress is da bomb!
Lime: We are having fun, for sure. Had all the girls together tonight, maybe I'll blog about that.
Great picture and I like the hair! Great dress too and you are so sexy looking!!
What pretty people!
Somewhere there are photos of me wearing a polyester shirt with HUGE butterfly collars.
It was a 70s thing. I blame the drugs.
Great photo! And I love that dress! To have a figure to be able to pull off a dress like that...sigh. I can only dream of such wonderfulness.
oh MAN! see what happens when ya get sick and are kind of "out of it" for a few days in the blogosphere? sooo sorry i missed this post when it first surfaced.
that is a perfectly adorable picture of you both -- and, for the record, that's exactly how i wore my hair my junior year of high school (i've got terrible pictures to prove it!) the good thing about that "do" was the fact it took so much spray to hold it up, it never got messy! pretty sure i once went for a week without moving a strand. that said, one hot session in the back seat of my boyfriend's car sent it into a mangled mop that was impossible to explain to my folks, once i got home.
hope you're having (or had?) a PERFECT visit with your wonderful daughter! xoxox
You both lokk beautiful.
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