Monday, November 13, 2006

Nothing at all

Radio Question of the Day:

One in 50 of these are fake...but almost everyone has had at least one real one... What are they? That Disk Jockey!

I don't make these up folks. Honest.


Anwer to the Radio Question of the Day:

Doctors .
One in 50, huh? That's too many for comfort.


Saur♥Kraut said...

Well, I know what *I* was thinking, and it wasn't doctors! But gimme McDreamy from Gray's Anatomy any day!

kenju said...

Hey.......that gives me an idea. I have a big ole candle hurricane that looks like a snifter.....maybe I could get away with that....LOL

lime said...

facts like that make me want to wrestle that guy for his booze!

The Lazy Iguana said...

Uhhhh...doctors huh? OK Ill go with that.

Peter said...

Yep one glass can't hurtcha Lucy.

Libby said..., tell me...what are the other 'doctors'? blow-up dolls??

Anonymous said...

great question/answer (i was a little surprised)... and GREAT picture/caption! another winning post, TLP, thanks for the laugh, i needed it! xox

Fred said...

Where can I order that glass?

red-queen said...

I thought you were going to say 'scallops', because I've heard that so many are actually shark meat cut into scallop-size pieces. But doctors? Wonder if they make the fake docs out of shark, too?

Doug The Una said...

It's easy to tell the fake one. Ask a question. If the doc answers, they're a fraud.

The Lazy Iguana said...

Actually Doug, here is my test. Go into a doctors office. Tell the doc "I feel queasy sometimes. Can you suggest a drug I can take?"

If they suggest any drugs, leave. They are pill pushers in doctors clothing. Nothing more than a common street dealer, only legal.

Margaret said...

Some Glass!!! seriously the Doc never stipulates what size glass. Cheers Margaret