Friday, February 01, 2008

It's February at last

Boy, January just lasted forever! YaknowwhatImean? YaknowwhatI'msayin'?

Rabbit Rabbit folks! You know ya hafta say "Rabbit Rabbit" on the first of each month or suffer the consequences! Why take a chance?

I think if the rabbit sees his/her shadow tomorrow it means six more weeks of something-or-other. Not sure what.

I'm NOT going to see the real groundhog tomorrow. For the last two years I've gone to Punxsutawney PA to stay for a couple of days and to enjoy all that goes on with Groundhog Day. It was a blast. This year I didn't have anyone I could force invite to go with me. Sigh. Oh well. Maybe next year.

Rabbit Rabbit damn it damn it.


Charlene Amsden said...

Hmmm, I thought January thumped by rabbit, rabbit fast. Whatever you have six more weeks of, here I am certain it will be pleasant weather -- which means mosquitoes -- so my silver cloud has a gray lining.

Ariel the Thief said...

Rabbit, rabbit! Funny cartoon. I'd have gone with you but you're telling too late, I have to water my plants tomorrow.

Tom & Icy said...

Rabbit rabbit.

dddragon said...

Rabbit Rabbit! considering the freezing rain & sleet that we're getting now, Puxy will be awash in mud tomorrow!

G said...

Rabbit, rabbit! Love the picture!

lime said...

rabbit rabbit!

shucks, lucy...i'd have gone with you!

Doug The Una said...

Rabbit Rabbit! Can't you hitch hike there?

Tammy said...

I need a rabbit rabbit release formula excederin for this gargantuan head ache.

Happy February Lucy!!

Libby said...

rabbit rabbit, lucy!!you're rite, january DID last forever, and it was ugly, with no snow!! blehhh!!

Lila said...

Rabbit, rabbit! That's a great cartoon.

kenju said...

Rabbit, rabbit, Lucy! Happy February!

Bela said...

I thought January went like a flash, and how can it possibly be the weekend again?

Oh, OK, rabbit rabbit.

puppytoes said...

ya know, i thought last month took forever to go by, as well. that is, i did until i realized Saturday was Groundhog, Groundhog day! and i, for one, am sorry you and the girls won't be heading off to Punxsatawney this year, for i truly enjoyed your last trip over there! you Pezzes...

Rabbit, Rabbit and/or Tibbar, Tibbar (yes, i AM late. and ADDled. why do you ask????) ; ) neva xox

Nessa said...

Thank goodness January is gone. I saw my shadow. Does that count?