Radio Question of the Day:
According to a popular women's magazine, people who do this at least eight times a day live longer...what is it?
Have you been watching the BBC nature documentary series, Planet Earth? It’s shown on the Discovery Channel, and it’s wonderful. It’s described by its makers as “the definitive look at the diversity of our planet.” (Per Wikipedia.)
I highly recommend it.
Answer to the radio question of the day:

No! Not fight!

Hug. That's better.
Uh...eight is a lot. Just sayin'.
I'm guessing that most folks who get eight hugs a day are under age 9 or 10. So, well, duh, I guess they will live longer. But whatever. Don't take chances. Hug everybody you see today. See what happens. You can e-mail the results from jail. I guess. There's e-mail from jail, no?