November 1 again. So you better say Rabbit Rabbit if you're going to have any chance at good luck in November.
To me good luck would be less rain. Maybe even SUNSHINE!
Everything here is wet:

It didn't rain cats and dogs, but the cats and dogs got rained on.

Even the pigs have to wear boots!


Hope you got a good supply of pooper scoopers.
Adorable pictures. Today is the tenth day in a row that it has rained.
Rabbit, Rabbit.
Sunny Sunday #4 - Sunny Bunnies
Rabbit rabbit! Good luck in November. I'll trade you some sunshine for some rain.
Rabbit, rabbit!! Have a good month, TLP, and I hope your rain stops!
White rabbits. Lovely images.
TLP - you outdid yourself today (yesterday) with the cute pictures :) Love them - and oh yeah, Rabbit Rabbit. Could use the luck this month ;)
tlp--tibbar, tibbar...i forgot!! come & see my latest entry, you'll love it!
Cute animal shots. Rabbit rabbit, belatedly.
Can I wish you Rabbit Rabbit for December? Seems I'm always late.
awww...that poor kitty! got a health update, tlp!
Happy birthday!
Very Happy Birthday even if you cannot read it now. And the most wonderful vacation! With sunshine and all!
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