Friday, May 22, 2009

Memorial Day

The weekend is here. A weekend of sales, picnics, fun and games.

I have no objection to any of those. And I am almost a pacifist. Almost. Not quite. So I'm not a fan of things military.

I remember when I was a kid that if there was a man on the street anywhere, he was in uniform. My father was in the navy, and he is buried in a military cemetery. (He was not killed during the war.) I just noticed that I wrote "the war." That's WWII. Young as I was, that war made a big impression on me.

I hope you have a great weekend. There's nothing wrong with having fun. But, if you have a minute, do think of those men and women who gave their lives in defense of The United States of America. I don't happen to agree with some of the wars we have fought since WWII, but IMHO I think we owe the fallen in those wars at least a show of respect.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Meme of the moment

My daughter Actonbell did a meme and asked folks to do it too.

Siobhán tagged her, and Cheryl tagged Siobhán. That's all the history I know.

The challenge is to answer it in 100 words or less. Here goes:

Current obsession? A cruise I'm going to take this winter.

Favorite clothing? jeans.

Dinner today? steak, potatoes, salad.

Listening? blessed silence.

Message to tagger? I love you!

Favorite vacation? Multi-month road trips across the USA with husband Niks.

Reading? Just finished a mindless mystery.

Me in 4 words? Old, fat, lazy, generous.

Guilty pleasure? afternoon naps.

Spring? Beautiful, wet, usually just right.

Looking forward? Dinner with Acton and the SIL tonight, pictures of the grandtwin's prom which is also tonight.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Happy Cinco de Mayo

I love Cinco de Mayo. First of course, there's the food. I love it. But the entire thing is fun. If you're in the right place.

The best Cinco de Mayo I've ever had was in 2002. We were in San Antonio. Niks and I were on one of our long road trips. My sister Doris and her husband flew to San Antonio and met us there.

I scanned some photos of Doris and me in our sombreros at the Mexican Market there, but you think I could get them to upload to blogger? Noooooo. Sh*t. That blogger.

I guess they're too large.

All I can say is you missed a real treat.

Of course we toured The Alamo and all that good stuff.

Doris especially wanted to see Ft. Sam Houston again. She spent a year there when she was 18.

Only Doris and I knew why it was so important to her. That Doris. Rascal.

She was terminally ill at the time of this visit to old San Antone. But she still had a couple of years left. She and I spent much of that time together.

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Have a drink on me and Doris.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Marvelous May

I hope you have a marvelous May! You'll have better lucky if you say "Rabbit rabbit" on the first of each month.

I've been a bad girl about posting and visiting for a long time now. I resolve to be better about those two things soonish.