Thursday, July 17, 2008

I've got a headache

One day, long, long ago.......

there lived a woman who did not whine, nag or bitch.

But it was a long time ago.......

and it was just that one day.


Doug The Una said...

Now that's a good joke!

kenju said...

That's mr. kenju's favorite joke!

Charlene Amsden said...

I'm too lazy to be grouchy. IT takes far too much energy. You can be grouchy for the both of us.

Nessa said...

I think that's a fairytale.

Libby said...

...who took my picture in the morning???

Tom & Icy said...

Icy is grumpy only when the kittens try to steal her food. Then, watch out!

Pat said...

I'm right there with you babe.

tsduff said...

That was a monumental day.

TLP said...

Well, it was NOT today.

Fred said...

With four female humans and four female cats, there's no such thing as a day like that.

Jan said...

Love it, love it, what a classic face!!!

lime said...

LOL, i so love you, tlp!

Bela said...

It doesn't take that much effort for me to be grouchy. I'm a natural, I think.

Queenie said...

I just love that look, "touch that button and I'll kill you".....
Saw you at Libbys, thought I'd pop over and say hi. BTW, no cigs today, how cool am I!!!!!!

OldHorsetailSnake said...

About Bugs Butt, I clicked on the link and it went right through. So now what?

Pecos Blue said...

Made me smile. Nice joke.

Lila said...

Rabbit, rabbit!

Doug The Una said...

Rabbit rabbit, grouch grouch