Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Lights, tree, action

I put up our (permanent) tree, which has built-in lights, and put more lights on it. So it has about 800 little lights on it. The tree went up night-before-last. Today I put on some ornaments. Also, I have housecleaned the downstairs well.

That's the good news. The bad news is that I still have to really clean the upstairs of the house. The worse news is that I need to send out at least a few Christmas cards, and I can't even remember where I put the ones I bought for this purpose. Sigh. Guess I'll be buying new ones. I've been through this in years before: We buy Christmas cards right after Christmas each year, store them away, lose them, buy new ones, then immediately afterwards, stumble on the ones we bought first.

If Aral Peppermint Patty or Goa'uld would teach me to post pictures, I would post a picture of a very pleased Tan Lucy Pez here, because I'm pretty happy to have the tree up.


Lila said...

Good for you! I'm envious. We still have no tree. I'll email you about posting pictures...

dddragon said...

Our tree is STILL nekkid after being up for more than a week ... but at least the presents are all wrapped!

TLP said...

Well, dress that tree dddragon!

Anonymous said...

Hiya ##NAME##, just thought I'd say great post titled ##TITLE##. I'm looking for ##LINK## and I ended up here accidentally but I will make sure I return soon. Looking for in addition will keep me busy for a few hours.

Anonymous said...

I like your blog! I love anythig to do with the holidays, like business christmas cards. There is always something to talk about! Andy @