Friday, May 04, 2012

Just trying to make sure

I'm posting nothing about nothing, just to see if I can save my blog for future use.


Doug The Una said...

OK if I comment about nothing?

Logophile said...

I have nothing particular to say about this,
but it was delightful to see your little Lucy face on my post last week, so I wanted to stop by and say hello and thanks for the visit.

Bela said...

Hi, TLP! Long time no see. Glad you're still around. Sending you kind regards through the ether. :-)

tsduff said...

Your blog is still as alive as mine :)

SavtaDotty said...

My blog is also hibernating. Nice to know we're both still around.

k. riggs gardner said...

Before there was Dad there was "Prehistoric Googling." Best wishes to you and yours.

kenju said...

Come back, TLP!! WE miss you!

tsduff said...

Just saying hi. Hi!

Vanessa Victoria Kilmer said...

Is it the future yet?

actonbell said...

You still have your black box! I've always loved your blog <3

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tsduff said...

Hi Hi~ Missing the old days of blogging :D