Monday, June 30, 2008

I'm not over there now, I'm here.

As Terry correctly pointed out, I'm not over at Doug's now. That Terry.

So now I've gotta throw something up here to avoid confusion. Like I care. About confusing you I mean.

Oh! I can still confuse you without lying. Heh heh.

I'll just do my Rabbit Rabbit post a day early. Take that.

This here rabbit was bunnyed on the fourth of July. You could title a movie that way. Bunnied on the 4th of July. Or maybe Born on the 4th of July. Nobody's done that yet, have they?

Saturday, June 21, 2008

I'm over at Doug's for the weekend

I'm spending the weekend at Doug's. Doin' what I love to do: talk. You can listen. If'n you want to.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Father's Day

If you're a father, then Happy Father's Day! You don't have to have a child to be a father. If you have a dog or cat or a horse, or a rabbit, then you're a father too. Well, not if you're a female. You guys. Use your heads.

Here's a nice seafood dinner for you in honor of the day.

Oh! Did I forget to say it was a redneck seafood dinner? Ooops!

Sunday, June 01, 2008

June is bunnying out all over

We had an easy winter and so the lawns here are busting out in bunnies. They're so cute. Unless you'd like to keep your flowers intact. They do love to mow the flowers. The mama rabbit above has a bunch of bunnies, huh? That slut. I don't see a wedding ring.

RABBIT RABBIT y'all. Have a jumping June.