It snowed all day yesterday. It didn't amount to much, and our little school district is so small that we don't do any busing of students, so school was not canceled or shortened. We have maybe two and a half inches of snow on the ground.
But, for some reason, my church's version of a "prayer group" was canceled for this morning. Yea! Teehee. I got a snow day! So I'm gleeful. You can add that to the list of things for which I will be burning in hell. If there were one. But since there's not, you can add it to the list of things I don't have to do today.
Snow is crystal peace.
Here school has been canceled due to rain -- oh, and maybe the wind and the 18 power poles across the highway and the fact that there are parts of the valley (not us thank you God) that have been without electricity for about 24 hours now.
We just got a couple inches like you, but it sure was cold last night. Down to 15F and that sends a chill up your spine when you have to squat and pee outside! They got that stupid cat a box to pee and poop inside. That just isn't fair! What's so darned special about cats anyway? -Icy
That's so beautiful! We haven't had anyhting like that here for a long time. But I still remember the silence.
Icy, when cats don't understand something or has no idea what to do or forget what they were going to do, they sit down and start cleaning themselves, and it makes people think that they are thinking wise and cynical things in their minds. Go figure.
Ariel - LOL!
Well TLP, I see you got your snow. It IS pretty *she admits grudgingly* I got a gentle soaking rain, and I pronounce it good.
It's rare for us to have snow days, even if the roads are an absolute death trap. But I'm a wimp, so unless I have to go to work, if they're a death trap, the son gets a snow day.
I hate to spam other people's blogs so I usually never do it. But I have been having zero luck getting participants for my first annual story contest. The topic is the horrors of fruitcake. Since anybody with even a modicum of talent should be able to beat the ridiculous example I wrote, y'all are missing out if you don't c'mon down and give it a shot! You will gain infamy, misfortune and disdain...oh wait. That's the last review for Death Cheese. I mean, you will gain fame, fortune and acclaim. That's right, click here and you too can join the ranks of the best! Or at least you can have fun and win priceless prizes.
tlp, we actually ended up getting 3-4 inches that night! and they did cancel even the city schools!
i like the idea of such a small school district everyone walks to school. my kids sit on the bus FOREVER...proving there is in fact a hell ;)
That sure is a pretty picture!!
I'm just stunned that you would GO to a "prayer group" in good weather!
Although I don't like snow Lucy, it does look pretty.
Nothing like a bit of glee. Its good for the soul.
You don't HAVE to make snowballs, either. But you CAN.....
That is more snow than I have ever seen in my life.
I love that photograph....seeing snow like that reminds me of my youth! Thrre is something about those heavy laden tree branches that is very very BEAUTIFUL!
Glad you got a "snow day" Dear TLP!
What Fun!
you live further south than we do, yet you got 2 1/2 inches of snow? wow. what's up with that?
that said, i suppose you could be like me, and not join a prayer group in the first place -- then you'd never need an excuse NOT to go. (and yes, i probably will burn in hell for that. sigh. eventually, it will totally suck to be me.) ; ) neva
I love snow. I want more than just a dusting.
I love it when the grown ups get a snow day!
Thanks for coming by TLP....I so agree with you...I thought this had to be a "custom" home for the people who would live in it....I was shocked when my neighbor told me it was on "spec"....And the House Market has faltered to some degree here, though not quite what it has in other places---Especially the High End Market....still seems to be holding up pretty well...AND, when they started this house the market was BOOMING! It's almost two years getting it to where it was the day I took pictures....!
Many homes in these hills look like Hotels...! 6000 sq. ft. is a lot of House! It will be very interesting to see how this plays out.
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