Saturday, December 16, 2006

Oh, Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree

Radio Question of the Day:
Besides long lines and traveling, this is the # 1 thing Americans say they dread about the holiday season. What is it?

For me it's putting up the Christmas tree. But then I do love having it once it's up and looking all pretty. Until I start dreading taking it down...

Today I finally got the darn thing up and trimmed.

Answer to the Radio Question of the Day:

The office Christmas party.

Huh! I didn't love those in my working days, but they weren't terrible.

That Harvey.


The Lazy Iguana said...

Well yea! Your office parties had "booze up your gump-stump". And those are your actual words!

Now I do not know what you were doing to get booze up there, in the gump-stump, but it must have been something rather wild.

But today the parties are all sanitized and stuff. No fun. Too many memos from that jerk wad in Legal.

Logophile said...

I myself am not a fan of office holiday parties, but I think my least favorite thing is the clean up afterward.
Its very sad.
Hopeful that Harvey and his kin won't be appearing at the office party this coming week.

Peter said...

Hoo-Boy I want to go to some of those office Christmas parties.

Libby said...


Lila said...

Congrats. We just now bought ours, still have to decorate it.

My office party was Friday night. It was okay. The food was good, though not too vegetarian-friendly.

mireille said...

TLP, re your office parties, were you the lady on the desk singing "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" a la Marilyn Monroe? Wish I'd been there. xoxo

TLP said...

Yeah, well, in my "office-party-hey-days" there was indeed a lot of booze. But that was not at the offical office party. The offical wing-ding was always at a big fancy place, with some alcohol. But for days and days before XMAS, right in the office, there was always a LOT of booze. Those "parties" were fun. Good times.

Mireille, I didn't sing that old thing. I sang "Santa Baby."

Fred said...

Glad I don't work in an office anymore. Since I work in a pubic school, there's no party. (There's no money for a party.) That's fine by me.

We bought a Charlie Brown tree this year. It's really small and not very well shaped. I love it.

Sar said...

Funny, I remember commenting here last year and telling you of the new 3 pc pre-lit tree we bought at the time. It's up and trimmed and would you know, it was actually an enjoyable process this year. While it may not smell like Christmas, no trees or family relations were harmed in the process so woohoo for that. :)

lime said...

LOL, i notice several of harvey's coworkers are toasting his rendition though...they are all just too cowardly to sing with him!

Christine said...

My party was this past Saturday night and despite the yaahoos that brought their uninvited friends, everyone had a great time. The booze always flows freely and I did a kick ass drunkin version of American Pie on Kareoki (if I do say so myself..mainly cause no one else ever would.) One day a year, I take off my boss bitch hat and allow my little underlings to know that I am human. Good times....

Doug The Una said...

I was at a wedding instead of the office Christmas party. I kind of believe in Christmas.

Doug The Una said...

Actonbell's home!

"Nobody goes there it's too crowded."

kenju said...

I am late getting here, but I love both your cartoons and I may steal them. Okay?

Lila said...

Good catch, actonbell.

Nessa said...

That Harvey is right, but he shouldn't be singing about it, the silly. I got out of my company Christmas party by throwing out my back. Sometimes pain is a gift.

TLP said...

LOL. I hadn't noticed Fred's type of school. What was he drinkin'?

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Well, I missed the Question again. I was sure the worst thing was somebody making pumpkin pie and expecting me to eat it.

Ivy the Goober said...

Office parties were fun when there was booze. Bring back the booze.