This cute little critter is a gift from the hotel that my husband Niks and I dealt with for our Groundhog Day fun. The mug has the name of the hotel,
Pantall Hotel, on the backside of it. If you're interested in the hotel, I have provided the link. I doubt you're interested.
You guys. Shallow.
We had a bunch of fun. The hotel took us up to Gobblers Knob early on February 2. Early as in get up at 2 AM if you want breakfast, which they provided "free." The knob opens at 3 AM, and we were in place by 4 AM. We were quite close to the stump where the groundhog was being kept. He usually sleeps all day in the Punxsutawney library.
Yep. He lives in their library. It's a small town. Very small.
So, there we were. It's the middle of winter. In the middle of the night. In the middle of the woods. Expect to be cold. Only we were dressed for it, and I can honestly say, I wasn’t cold. 'Course I had on two pairs of long underwear, a turtle-necked sweater, a light jacket, and a winter coat. I was
not making a fashion statement. Niks held up beautifully. I had a small chair for him. He couldn't have stood that long, but he did great. (I had him so bundled up he couldn't get away. That left me free to explore.)
The "Inner Circle" of old guys in long black coats and black top hats attempt to entertain the crowd in various ways. It's all cornball, but that's appropriate. It's a cornball event.
They use a small cannon to shoot themed tee-shirts, and groundhog beanie babies into the crowd. They throw giant beach-ball-type balloons into the crowd. Those are flying everywhere all the time, with folks hitting them back and forth. There was a magician who thought he was a comedian as well. They get people up on the stage and hold quiz contests and such. They talked a bunch of newscasters up onto the stage and then dressed them as
The Village People. Then we all sang and did the movements to
YMCA. There's lots of music and dancing.
There is an area for "family" types and an area for "student" types. Think drunk for that last area. But there was co-mingling. It was easy enough to check out the fun with the rowdies and then get back to the saner area.
It's a party. It starts the night before with the Prognosticators Ball at the hotel. A good time was had by all.
One of the best parts was the
fireworks! They were as good as any I've seen anywhere.
You know of course that Phil saw his shadow and there is to be six more weeks of winter. I call bullsh*t on that. It was cloudy. If he saw his shadow it was because of the TV lights.
Whatever. Actually the scroll that Phil produced said "six more weeks of a
mild winter."
You know, I forgot to mention: Phil peed on the old guy who hauled him outta the stump.
That Phil. That was a highlight for me.
Would I do it again? I've made reservations at the Pantall for next year. I'm hoping a daughter or two or three will go with me.
I do love a party.